February 6, 2012

some of my favorite things: libraries, snow fluff and GoodWill.

My love for the winter season and landscape is really worming it's way into my heart. I know this because upon leaving the airport last week and entering the outside February air, I said to AMC, "this cold air is refreshing." who would have ever guessed?  I suppose my skin has grown thicker, or perhaps it's just been the acquisition of warm boots, coats and the like over the years.  Either way, winter has it's ups. It's a time to be cozy and the best place to view the winter, in my opinion, is from the inside. 'Tis of the season of being introverted. The time of comfort maximization.  Staying warm, dry and comfortable rules, lending days fit for quiet.

After a great, big, albeit peaceful blizzard on Friday- Saturday welcomed a sunny day- perfect for getting out to view the white fluff that had settled. Off to the library then, for a mix of getting out and about, while still enjoying the tranquility. Libraries (and bookstores)... unlimited, vast and organized.... perfect. You can really get to know a person by seeing their book selections, as well as, by the section first visited.

Three good hours were spent perusing the shelves, or mostly, finding my way through the Dewey Decimal Classification system (no wonder there are college majors in Library Science!)
By the end of the sesh, I had a good pile to heave onto the self checkout counter. All of the excitement of checking out must have made my brain melt, because I left my wallet there on the counter. It wasn't until later, when AMC were heading to a matinee (My week with Marilyn) that I realized it. AMC was so annoyed with me, and worried about the state of our accounts.  I was in deep trouble.

The library closes at 5 p.m. on Saturdays, and we rolled up at 5:07. Many homeless people hang out in the warm library on cold days, so we thought that perhaps someone else scored my wallet, but it was worth a try. The doors were locked, but just inside, two securities guards stood chatting. They saw my commotion (playing charades, I motioned to my purse) and the gentleman guard came, opened the door and stood stoicly with his arms crossed in front of his chest, so tough. After quick explanation, he radioed Lost and Found, rehashing the 'deets. They had it!

The day was saved, except now we were too late for the matinee movie. With time to spare and a refreshed vibe on the state of humanity and the world overall, we conjured up a plan B. GoodWill is just blocks from the theater and so, since we are in the throws of wedding planning- we thought we'd  shop for table decorations. The parking lot was hopping! Inside people swarmed the aisles, examining chotsky's and such. Right off the bat, we found what we'd come for, white, 50's style vases. all of them white and mis-matching, the stuff of dreams....just then, AMC realized the magic of it all, it was 50% off of everything day- making our vases that much lovelier!

Thank you Old Man Winter, for warm libraries, lost wallets and GoodWill. You're welcome most anytime.

heading to the library...checking out the scenes around town on the way.
Denver dipped in white chocolate

what's cooking these days

so many options

first round of our vase collection...hail GoodWill!

on Sunday, we trekked with the fam (over for a superbowl party) to our wedding site.

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