January 4, 2014

still work to do

{this is yesterday's post before i went in to work, i never hit publish so it was waiting for me this morning.}

it's 6:15am and it's just about time to get ready for work. at my job, because i still have one.

it's the new year and 2014 feels like it has good vibes in it for my family. but saying so fills me with a tinge of trepidation. how does the universe work anyway? if one year is filled with challenge and experiences that leave your bum raw from life's whippings.... does it automatically make the next year dazzlingly wonderful? have you earned your stripes one year, so you may rest of your laurels the next?

i'm not going to take it for granted this time, that all will always be swell. i'm going to go for it, fight for it and remember that happiness is always a choice. As they say in a movie I saw somewhere along the way, "life is a state mind."

2013 was a year of intense highs and lows. a year of stark contrast that in hindsight, allowed everything to be seen in vivid clarity, awe, fear, love, hope, persistence. too much of 2013 was spent in a hospital- on pregnancy bedrest, then with our sweet preemie baby girl, then again with ulcerative colitis. i didn't work much from June on- but somehow my workplace kept a window open for me. i am just crawling back in now.

at first i thought i was finished with work and would be content to let it float on away and i almost let it.   it's not the easiest choice in leaving my little girl and we'll see how those feelings go with time. but, i know this: i'm not finished yet. i have work to do.
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