March 18, 2012

Life in Lodo: window parade and blossoms

Yesterday, there was a parade right outside our window. It was a St. Patrick's Day one. AMC and I hung out our 2 windows watching as the old cars with pageant queens in sparkly dresses rolled by and the bagpipers marched. There's something about those pipes...the true heralds of the day.

After a few morning hours of hanging, we decided that we didn't really want to close the windows on such a day, but a bit of sound escape was desired. So, we took off on foot, for a bit of crossing the river. We got some sun tan on our cheeks. And two coffee's with a shot of espresso in them. We drank them black, they were done so well. (golf clap for Starbucks by the river.)

While having a sit, my phone let me know I had missed a Facetime call from my Sarey friend. I called her back, and SAW her on the phone. We've "facetimed" several times but each time feels so new. We've dreamed about video phones since forever and now... it's here and normal! Humans are so smart. (golf clap for humans.)

Around here, everything seems to be on the VeRGE!
Flowering tree season is almost upon us. The buds are there on the tips of the trees, holding in their visibly pink petals as long as they can. Each blossom looks ready to POP right there before your eyes, puffing pollen onto your nose. What makes a tree finally surrender and send out it's papery petals? What makes it exhale after a long winter's nap? Is it a relief to the tree to let out it's creation? Do trees have feelings? (that one sounds like it could be a Sesame Street song, Big Bird would know the answer to that one I'm pretty sure.)

Speaking of great openings, while "grocery getting" the other day, Daffodils were on sale, ten stems for $1.50. Yes! A whole bucket of them up by the checkout, I chose ones that were all buds....just for the wait of it all. At 8 p.m. they looked like this,

And at 6 a.m., this had happened.....!

It must be magic.
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