March 23, 2012

two thumbs up on the job front

i love my new job. there are so many reasons:


Most days, her Dad brings her to work with him and that means that from 8-5, we get to hang out. She's perfect--an athletic doggie that can run, yet petite and such a pretty girl don't you think?

sometimes she hangs out in the midst of it all.
and comes by every so often for a pet.

And then goes into "her room" for a nap

-it's a real estate photography company. all of the people who work there met in highschool  or college in Michigan. My midwestern accent is really turning up the volume being around them, but i kinda like it- reminds me of hanging out with my family in Michiana. The company is very ethical, organized and emphasizes customer happiness- which I love. Never hurts to feel like what you are doing is for the good of things, right?

-we all pretty much graduated high school and college the same year so, we like the same music= bonus.

-it's 3 blocks away so i walk. i love it. but, am going to have to work on my jaywalking habit. the other afternoon i wasn't thinking at all and just went on a red when the coast was way clear. While  passing by on the other side, i heard a dad trying to explain to his daughter why i could walk when it's red and she can't. #feltsoguilty.  Speaking of walking home, these are happening on the route. Is it just me or are these definitely Dr. Suess flowers?

also grown in Whoville
-my job is to answer the phone (customer service to the max here) it's almost always a real estate agent, wanting to "order" a photography package for a house they are listing. The photography is stunning, and the houses are breathtaking. Because they work with mostly what are called, "exceptional properties" they are the creme de la creme of The American Dream of homes. I've been telling AMC that I want to work somehow in homes...comfy environments. Well, I am not inside them but at least I get to look at them all day:) The cities we have photographers are in San Franciso, L.A., Miami, Michigan and the New York area. My favorite ones are in Connecticut. They're so stately, yet, comfy. The kind of place that I imagine you eat pancakes in the sunny kitchen before riding your bike a few streets to get to the beach or town, which looks like Dawson's Creek (I loved that show!) I've never, in my whole life, been any further northeast than NYC. I think it might be for a reason, for, it just might be the pearl that lures me in just in time for the shells to clamp me inside---I mightn't even care.

Today all of the guys (I'm the only girl there- rockin the estrogen) were in Vegas for one of their bachelor parties. So, it was just me and a guy in Michigan running the show. It was successful and fun...and at the moment, this is all I could muster up for dinner. Cheese and crackers never disappeared so fast. Bon Apetite to the weekend, hope you enjoy yours!

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