April 14, 2012

Going to the Chapel: open gates and blooming flowers.

oh how i love my lunchbreaks. usually, they lean on the efficient side- walk home quickly to make an easy lunch (pb &j never dissapoints) and complete a task or two. these days, my extracurriculars are usually geared towards our wedding day. shuffle my dress around town, get quotes over the phone, talk to rangers about the park opening....

Ever since the weather started warming up (it was early this year, February) I've been heading over to our wedding garden. I love it in there. It's a city park and was closed for the winter. I couldn't resist not being inside (plus, i had planning to do!) so, week after late-winter and into spring week, I'd go  to the corner of the fence, where there are lots of hand and foot holds, and would hop over. Walking around inside, I tried to consider all of the details of the day. It's day dreaming to the T.

Last Saturday, I made it there and was really hoping to see it open for Spring. The weather had been so warm- how could it not be open? But, it wasn't open. I popped over anyway...not that I had a choice...the garden had exploded in flowers during my 2 week hiatus. Tulips...red ones covered 'the orchard area.' I couldn't have resisted anyway. On my way out, I noticed cars at the office next door to the garden. I stopped in there to see if they knew when the park would open. I was suprised to find it was a Park Ranger office. The Rangers there were incredibly nice and the epitomy of helpful. When I asked if they knew when the garden would open, he said, "oh, it should be sometime soon. I see the gardener hop over the fence and do her planning." And then, I realized that he's been seeing me hop the fence- only he thought I belonged there. Ha! For the first time in my life, I was about to blurt out- "Hey, that's me!" but, I decided just to remain quiet and let it just pass right on by.

Anyhow,  he said he would call the City gardening office and ask. I figured I'd hear from him in a week or more, which was fine. The other Ranger showed me the bathrooms I had been so curious about, and while on our walk over- he told me that by calling 311, you reach your local Ranger department. They act as an authority in the State Parks. Here in Denver, there are more parks per square mile than any other state so, chances are- if you are outside breathing oxyen on green grass- most likely you're at a park...so, call a Ranger is you need anything. And, like I said, they were super sweet and helpful.... very Mister Rogers-esque. On Monday, the nice Ranger left me a message saying that after talking to the gardeners office, the park would open sometime this week.

So, yesterday's Friday lunchbreak was a biking to the garden one. Taking the bike path next to the creek, it felt good to be chilly in the shady parts. The trees in front of the garden are all flowering now and as I rode my bike passed- the smell of spring hit me.... spring perfected.
The gate is open!

Walking around inside, ALLOWED was very freeing. It was fun to see other people in there too, a couple all dressed up and two girlfriends- out for an athletic walk, did a loop. All the off-season, while I've been walking imaginary aisles and draping tents with my mind's eye- the garden has been doing lots too....

same tree, changing seasons....



and from

winter berries in February

with leaves in March

and flowers today.

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